A membership and e-commerce website build.
Who is DOECAA?
DOECAA stands for the Department of Energy Contractor Attorneys Association.
DOECAA came to >Greater Thought in search of a full website revamp with membership, event, ticketing and e-commerce capabilities. Their existing website had become expensive to maintain as well as not supportive of the existing membership or association as a whole. The goal was to build a membership based website which could support membership registration, members-only information, virtual events and events ticketing.
DOECAA hosts meetings each year consisting of various speakers and panels on a variety of topics important to the DOECAA members. In support of their members, these events are designed to provide not only timely information, but corresponding source materials, and ample opportunities for networking. The DOECAA website platform also provides a forum for legal job postings throughout the DOE complex as a means of supporting the mission.